Monday, November 15, 2021

Come What May

Never slept well yesterday night. Though, not the first time I realised the world full of uglyness. After all, I am still can't get over it and had it in my brain turning and turning. Nothing is pure in this world, including myself.
This is pessimistic I know, but that is fact. Fact of life.

Everything are being fixed? Is this what I planned for before I appear in this world?
I have an answer that I don't prefer to look at it. Still struggling to find the alternative. Let go is the only choice?

Well, regardless of what, I have an important meeting this evening. Something that might indirectly help me to the direction I believed. This may not be a good solution but stressing myself is the only way I can think of. Again, I have to go on alone, searching for the meaning of life. 

Many things or everything are all planned for, so..... Come what May~

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